Member Spotlight: Taylor Chaney

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Law School Graduation Date: May 2009

What is the last book you read? Water Dog

What are your favorite hobbies? Razorback sports, duck hunting, chasing my dog, and spending time with family and friends.

What made you choose to work in the Plaintiff’s bar? Would have been disowned, otherwise.

Share your favorite story/experience practicing law: I’m fortunate enough to be able to practice with my father. We have tremendous chemistry inside the courtroom. Whether its me or him doing the examination, the other knows without us having to say anything what the other needs while the bullets are flying. A specific moment I will always remember is walking out of the federal courthouse in Hot Springs after a trial in February of 2012. The jury had just allowed a substantial verdict for our deserving truck driver client, who’s shoulders were offset and he had a hitch to his walk. As his wife was helping him walk up the hill on the sidewalk, the sun was going down over the hill with the VA building looming across the street. Dressed in all black, the corporate defendant of the tortfeasing trucking company was walking behind them with his head slumped as if his tail was between his legs. In that moment I realized nobody really “wins” in lawsuits because the money is never enough for someone with a permanent injury. But our clients can definitely lose. And I’m damn proud to stand up for those people, who would otherwise not be able to stand up for themselves, against billion dollar companies who are using the courts to financially crush our clients rather than pay what they owe.

Who is your favorite musician or band? I don’t have a favorite.

Why did you join ATLA? I officially joined after getting licensed, but have been an unofficial member for much longer than that. I have a lot of good memories of my parents taking my brother and I out of school on the Thursday of the ATLA convention and coming up to Eureka for the weekend.

What keeps you engaged in ATLA? The people and the cause. I consider ATLA as a part of my family. The cause keeps me engaged. We will always be fighting to protect the rights of the less fortunate and vulnerable from the powerful interests.

What is the most important reason to join ATLA?  Networking, which seems cliche. Nobody learns how to practice law on their own. Everybody has questions, and especially younger attorneys. Most ATLA members are extremely generous with their time to help other attorneys. And if you’re really interested in learning the secret sauce of practicing in this area of law in this state, sign up for the next ATLA convention and come hang out on the back porch of the hospitality suite.

Favorite quote: This is the one I’ve been thinking about the most right now: “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
— Muhammad Ali

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